
Essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer? Do not Ignore This in 2024

People who are both essential oil lovers and vacuum cleaning enthusiasts are nowadays getting disturbed by a buzz about whether essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer. The soothing aroma and energizing effect of essential oils have tempted modern homeowners to incorporate them into their regular vacuum cleaning routine yet they are anxious about whether essential oils in vacuum cleaners cause cancer.

Some of the sources have raised concerns regarding the carcinogenic impacts of essential oils when they encounter vacuum environments and thus chances of health risks. In this article, you will get to know the scientific testaments concerning whether essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer clearing all your anxieties so that you can make an informed decision.

What are essential oils?

Widely used in aromatherapies, to calm down the soul, or to energize the mind, essential oils are volatile chemical compounds, and by composition, they are concentrated extracts derived from plants and so they bear the characteristic aromas of that plant.

Researchers have suggested that essential oils come with several health benefits and they are widely used across the globe for therapeutic purposes. But when they are used in the vacuum cleaning routine regularly, their concentrations are associated with the safety of the user and his/her family members as adverse health effects can also surface in the scenario.

The relation between essential oils and vacuum environments

Essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer?

In the vacuum cleaning environment, to purify the indoor air and suck up all types of dust, dirt, and debris, the vacuum cleaner creates low-pressure environments itself, and when certain essential oils encounter such atmosphere, the lack of air pressure promotes the release of volatile compounds in the indoor air leading to adverse health conditions.

Essential oils are complex mixtures of different chemical molecules, and thus on encountering heat of the vacuum cleaning environment, which chemical molecules portray carcinogenic effects and which chemical molecules exhibit anticarcinogenic effects are yet to be concluded. However, evidences suggest that some of the essential oils emit more harmful vapors when heated in comparison to other essential oils and the degree of harmfulness depends on the existing physical conditions of the people who are coming in contact with the heated vapors.

Essential oils and Cancer risks: Essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer?

To find the scientifically correct answer to whether essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer you need to have a clear idea about the existing literature. The direct evidence of whether essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer is scanty but we should consider the adverse effects of essential oil on human health when they encounter the higher temperature and low-pressure environment created by the vacuum cleaner that can sometimes increase the chances of cancer.

Essential oils are volatile chemical compounds, and by composition, they are concentrated extracts derived from plants and contain phenols and terpenes in most cases. Essential oils that are spicy or floral in fragrance like peppermint oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil, have been reported to bear higher levels of toxicity in comparison to citrus-based essential oils like orange oil and lemon oil.

When these spicy or floral essential oils encounter the higher temperature and low-pressure environment created by the vacuum cleaner they release volatile chemical vapors in the indoor air due to alteration of chemical nature and those vapors have adverse impacts on human health especially in pregnant women, elderly people, or young children.

Certain people are allergic and sensitive to certain essential oils as the allergic reactions are not the same among all individuals. To know whether essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer it is essential to carry out a detailed investigation on the duration and frequency of exposure to essential oils in alignment with individual susceptibility. The previous existing literature to assess the relationship between the vacuum cleaning environment and different types of essential oils is insufficient to come up with a definite answer.

When most essential oils encounter the higher temperatures of vacuum cleaning environments, they emit many chemical byproducts that are carcinogenic and when these heated vapors are inhaled for considerable time with reduced frequency the chances of developing serious health conditions get increased by manifold. Upon getting heat, the chemical nature of these essential oils gets altered leading to the emission of potential carcinogenic vapors.

In general, essential oils when heated within the vacuum cleaner release particulate matter in the air that elevates asthma symptoms, and causes inflammation of the lungs. The pungent fragrances and odors emitted from the essential oils have been reported to comprise volatile organic compounds that irritate the respiratory system and cause various lung infections, headaches, drowsiness, and vomiting.

Some of the researchers have released thesis papers on the toxic effects of individual components of certain essential oils but comprehensive research on the relation between the direct relation of cancer and the essential oils in a vacuum cleaning environment is yet to be released.

Are essential oils anticancer?

Are essential oils anticancer?

It is to be noted that all essential oils do not harm human health and bear carcinogenic properties. Also, whether essential oil in vacuum cleaners causes cancer depends on the proportion in which it is used, how frequently it is used, for how long the user is exposed to it, and to which temperature the essential oil is getting heated within the vacuum cleaner. Numerous research studies have reported that components of essential oils promote the cytotoxic activity of the drugs used in chemotherapy in various cells of the human body.

This process of speeding up the cytotoxic action helps in reducing the amount of chemotherapy drug concentrations to achieve a similar degree of therapeutic benefits. A prominent constituent called carvacrol, present in most essential oils is regarded as a newly found anti-cancer drug and is reported to bear comparatively much lower toxicity than other constituents while highly productive in reducing tumors present in different human cells.

But still, the anticarcinogenic properties of essential oils are yet to be thoroughly researched as essential oils are complex mixtures of different chemical molecules, and thus which chemical molecules have carcinogenic effects and which chemical molecules have anticarcinogenic effects are yet to be decided.


Whether essential oils in vacuum cleaner causes cancer is yet to be concluded based on the preexisting literature present and more comprehensive research studies need to be arranged to trace the relation between the direct relation between cancer and the essential oils in a vacuum cleaning environment.

Some of the essential oils like the spicy and floral ones emit more harmful vapors when heated in comparison to other citrusy essential oils and the degree of harmfulness depends on the existing physical conditions of the people who are encountering the heated vapors, like whether they are pregnant women or toddlers or elderly individuals. Also, it is recommended to increase the frequency of adding essential oils in your vacuum cleaning routine to maintain safety.


How do you know if essential oils are safe?

When buying essential oils, try to buy from trusted producers and prevent yourself from buying from distributor stores like the e-commerce marketplaces. When your favorite essential oils contain additives like mineral oils and synthetic fragrances, you are more likely to develop respiratory irritations and allergic reactions. Also to buy genuine essential oils prefer those that are stored in dark glass bottles as essential oils change chemical composition when they encounter heat and light.

What to avoid when buying essential oils?

When buying essential oils to use in your frequent vacuum cleaning routine, do not fall for the cheap prices of essential oils and prevent yourself from buying from distributor stores like the e-commerce marketplaces where there are higher chances of the essential oil being fake, expired, or not stored under proper conditions. Such essential oils bought from e-commerce marketplaces will not emit the desired fragrance and cause more harm to your health upon daily use.

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